Cajamarca coffee farmer, Rosel

Peruvian Naturals has donated this month’s earnings pledge to coffee farmer Rosel in Cajamarca. According to his Kiva profile:

Rosel’s story

Rosel is 56 years old and a widower. He lives with his son in their own home in the District of Callayuc, Cutervo Province, Department of Cajamarca. He has many good personal and working references from the local residents. Many of the residents of this area make a living by farming, trading, and ranching.

Rosel makes a living by farming, specifically from growing coffee of the Catimor variety. He has more than ten years of experience in this line of work. He is asking for this loan to purchase compost and fertilizer and to pay his laborers. This will enable him to earn more income for himself and his family.

A loan of $1,225 helps to buy compost and fertilizer and to pay his laborers.

This loan is special because it reaches the underserved.

See more about Peruvian Naturals philanthropy at All loan recipients’ repayments are re-loaned in addition to the 3 percent earnings pledge.

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