Peruvian Naturals is back in Europe

After a two-year hiatus, Peruvian Naturals is again available for shipping throughout the European Union. The products currently available include Chanca Piedra capsules, Cat’s Claw tablets, Maca tablets, Maca powder and Maca Nitro capsules.

Click the links to below to visit our storefronts in each marketplace:

Not every product is available on every distinct Amazon marketplace, but you should be able to purchase from the Amazon UK storefront and ship anywhere in the EU. Below are links to each product on each marketplace.

Chanca Piedra

To buy Chanca Piedra capsules, visit these links:

Maca 800mg

To buy Maca 800mg tablets, see Maca on Amazon UK. Maca is not yet available on Amazon in Germany or France, but you should be able to purchase from the Amazon UK storefront and ship anywhere in the EU.

Cat’s Claw

To buy Cat’s Claw tablets, see Cat’s Claw on Amazon UK. Cat’s Claw is not yet available on Amazon in Germany or France, but you should be able to purchase from the Amazon UK storefront and ship anywhere in the EU.

Maca 1lb

To buy raw Maca powder in Europe, visit these links:

Maca Nitro

To buy Maca Nitro capsules in Europe, visit these links:

Any questions? Don’t hesitate to email colin at peruviannaturals dot com!

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